Sandbox Alpha

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Keeping Track of our Time(s)

Welcome to this matrix-based consolidation of my NetPlusUltra®-sustained concept demonstration path for all questions pertaining to the computer equipment necessary for the development of a concept-sustained "Webfolio® (= a conceptual portfolio of web activities)" as a prospective franchisee. This web module is intended as an online support tool for decision-making in matters of rapid (i.e. matrix-based) changes of devices and configurations.
Against the background of the upcoming production phase 3 indeed, the objective remains to validate the inventory of all that can be conceptually optimized throughout the web content production process, so as to lay the groundwork for a configuration manager to be integrated upstream of the underlying value chain.
Unlike my Sandbox Omega, which (will soon) provide(s) a deconstructive infrastructural overview of the whole philosophy of the NetPlusUltra®-sustained master-franchising system from the (insider) perspective of a (future) franchisee, the present Alpha version is more specifically dedicated to the identification - by the prospective affiliate member himself - of the critical interfaces which define his own specific computer uses (among the most generic ones: mobile, sedentary, dual).
